Michel Catala is a Professor of contemporary European history at the University of Nantes and Director of the Institute of European and Global Studies Alliance Europa. A specialist in the history of international relations in the 20th century, his work also focuses on the history of European integration. A member of the Research Centre for Atlantic and International History (CRHIA), he is the director of the LabEx EHNE research theme “Europe, Europeans and the World”. He recently published L’Europe des citoyens et la citoyenneté européenne (Brussels, Peter Lang, DCIE collection, 7, 2016, in coordination with Stanislas Jeannesson and Anne-Sophie Lamblin-Gourdin), Libre circulation et mobilité en Europe : du succès à la remise en cause des accords de Schengen, in Paul Lees, Stéphanie Couderc-Morandeau, Pilar Martinez-Vasseur (dir.), Migrations et mobilités en Europe. Politiques publiques et perspectives d’intégration (1992-2012) (Bruxelles, Peter Lang, collection DCIE, 5, 2014), and La France et l’Espagne face à la décolonisation du Maroc. La fin du malentendu imperial, 1951-1958 (Paris, Les Indes savantes, 2015).